Hét vraag- en antwoordplatform van Nederland

Hoe heet het liedje wat in het holland heineken house word gedraaid?

Het liedje klinkt als een mix en er komt steeds de tekst all or nothing in. Het word tijdens het huldigen van de medailles in het holland heineken house in sochi gedraaid

Verwijderde gebruiker
10 jaar geleden
in: Muziek

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Antwoorden (1)

Legendary Lane, speciaal voor de huldigingen in het Holland Heineken House geschreven door Dinand Woesthoff.

Toegevoegd na 15 minuten:
Hierbij de tekst:

And we walk
And we walk the lane
This time
Think of all the rushes gone
Of leaving competition behind
And dream about this ??
It's time
Finally pulling it through
For all the times starting anew
It's time to start making it true
And we walk
And we walk
And we walk
We walk the lane
This Legendary Lane
It's all or nothing
And we walk
We walk the lane
It's Legendary Lane
It's all or nothing

And we won
This time
Forget about making it back
What's done is done
What's said has been said
Follow your intuition instead
And it's time
This is for the glory I feel
Where we go I got nothing to lose
Where we go I got nothing to lose
And we walk
We walk the lane
This Legendary Lane
It's all or nothing
And we walk
We walk the lane
This Legendary Lane
It's all or nothing

Time will tell
Only time will tell
Only time will tell
And we walk
We walk the lane
This Legendary Lane
It's all or nothing
And we walk
We walk the lane
This Legendary Lane
It's all or nothing
All or nothing
It's all or nothing
(Lees meer...)
10 jaar geleden
10 jaar geleden
Graag gedaan!

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