Hét vraag- en antwoordplatform van Nederland

Mag een gorilla pod nat worden?

En welke kan ik dan het beste pakken voor de Olympus tough tg 810. (ik zat te denken aan die magnetische)

Verwijderde gebruiker
12 jaar geleden
in: Camera's

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Antwoorden (1)

Ik heb even wat rondgegoogled en het volgende gevonden waaruit blijkt dat er geen officiële gegevens over de mate van waterresistentie van de Gorillapod bestaan:

"Q: Is it weatherproof?
A: While we can't find any official documentation from the manufacturer that states that the Gorillapod is weatherproof, our feeling based upon observation is that it is. It is made completely of plastic and rubber, except for the camera plate screw which appears to be stainless steel. Therefore, we're confident that the Gorillapod is weatherproof. "

"Q: Is the quick release plate waterproof? Or do I have to take it off everytime I bring my camera into the water?
A: Technically, it is waterproof. It is made from a German Resin (TPE) that is water resistant. However, submerging the Gorillapod for an extended period of time is not recommended as water gets into the joints and upon drying, weakens the co-efficient of friction of the ball and socket design. Although it is waterproof, it is not designed to be taken under water and neither Vat19 not the manufacturer can ensure the Gorillapod's working ability in such conditions. We recommend removing the plate if you want to take your camera underwater.

Kortom: waarschijnlijk kan de Gorillapod enige natheid (een periodieke regenbui) prima verdragen, maar hij is niet gemaakt voor langdurige onderwaterfotografie.
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Verwijderde gebruiker
12 jaar geleden

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