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Wat zit achter de koeienmutilatie die vooral in mexico en amerika voorkomen?

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Deze filmpjes vertellen hoe er chirurgisch koeien worden ontleed binnen een nacht en dat er nooit bloed word gevonden.En dat er vaak hitte aan te pas komt.

Verwijderde gebruiker
14 jaar geleden

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A phenomena that first started in Santa Fe county in 1947 has now spread through out the western USA. The phenomena is cow mutilations. It's of note that in the late 40s and 50s the term used for cattle mutilations in the Santa Fe area or NEW MEXICO, was "slashing of cattle".

Ranchers then and now find one of their beefs dead on their property. The cow has been mutilated, its sex organs are removed, its blood is drained, and sometimes its face has been pealed back or taken. The ground around the caracass shows no footprints or tire tracks and more importantly there is no sign of struggle. The wounds are not jagged but laser like in precision. What is causing this?

Surveilance teams and rewards have not produced any evidence into who or what is butchering cattle. However, UFOs have been seen in the skies near where the mutilations have taken place. Some weird beards think the growing number of missing people in the USA is related to cow mutilations.As in UFO abduction and experiments.
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Verwijderde gebruiker
14 jaar geleden
Verwijderde gebruiker
14 jaar geleden

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