Hét vraag- en antwoordplatform van Nederland

Het beste antwoord

The Road goes ever on and on,
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.
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10 jaar geleden

Andere antwoorden (1)

Wil jehet in het engels weten of in de originele taal?

Im nauthon nan naur nu ngilith
O naid i gennin im
O lyth e-barth a gwilwilith
Ne laer i vanner lim

I think by the fire under the starlight about things that I saw
About flowers of the field and butterflies in summers that went quickly

O lhiath a golas malen
Ne daint i lais gwennin
Na chith ah anor celebren
A gwaewath or find nin

Vertaling naar het engels:

About gossamer strands and yellow leaves in autumns past
With mist and silver sun and winds upon my hair
Im nauthon nan naur vi vuil
Maven natha i ardhon
Ias tol i riw ben ethuil
Ir im u-genithon

I think by the fire in shadow, how the world will be
When the winter comes without a spring that I shall not see
An nadath laew nar annan
I ulu im cennin
Vin eryn ned ethuil ban
Nar ennas laegath gwin.

For many things there are yet that I never saw
In the wood in every spring there are new green things
Im hevin nan naur a nauthon
O gwaith nedin lu iaur
A gwaith i cenitha ardhon
Ir istathon u aur.

I sit by the fire and think about people in old times
And people who will see a world that I will see on no day
Dan iar im nan naur peliel
Oh aurath ioer nauthon
Laston a thail etheliel
A lemmaid nan annon.
But when I, by the fading fire, think about ancient days
I listen for returning feet and voices at the door.
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Verwijderde gebruiker
10 jaar geleden

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